This is the time of year when sh*t starts to pile up. Term papers, midterms, finals, volunteer commitments, work commitments, and personal care commitments. Deadlines and responsibilities. These things can make life feel crazed and overwhelming, and we all feel this way at some point, but there are a few things you can do to make life a little easier.
First things first: prioritize! In your planner, agenda, bullet journal, or a smartphone app, make a list of everything you have to do this week (I mean every last detail!). Then, in another list, organize your weekly list into days by putting each item from the weekly list into the day of the week in which you have to accomplish this task.
***If you have a paper due on Wednesday, do not write that you have to do the paper on Wednesday. Clearly mark that Wednesday is the due date, but allow yourself time on Sunday or Monday to actually write that paper.
Secondly, eliminate anything from your schedule that is not crucial. When you are overwhelmed because you want to maintain your GPA, yet you have 4 exams and 2 papers and 1 presentation, and you have to work, maybe that lunch date with your bestie can wait. They will understand, just reschedule.
If you have to eliminate things from your schedule, you must also learn to say “no”. This is one that I struggle with personally. If you have a million and one things to do for school or work this week, and your boss at your volunteer gig asks you to help out for an extra hour, or your friend asks if you can tutor her, or your parents’ friend asks you to babysit, you can say “no”.
By declining when someone asks you a favor, you are not being rude, or mean, or a bad person- sometimes you have to put yourself first. Politely tell the person you cannot do it this week, but you will make it up to them another time (or don’t! You don’t owe anyone anything).
Finally, just breathe. Nothing is more important than your mental health. Take care of yourself first, and don’t take on too many responsibilities. When you prioritize, put your health first by scheduling time for breakfast, a shower, or a nap. When you feel good, everything else will come naturally.
We hope these few tips come in handy and help you to accomplish your goals. How do you manage your time? What are your best tips for staying in control of your busy schedule? We love your feedback!
Let us know what you think!