In October, I was able to visit the Kananaskis Region in Alberta for the first time. Just when I thought the Canadian Rockies couldn’t get any better, this place proved that the beauty and expansiveness are ceaseless.
My friends and I camped at Boulton Creek Campground in Peter Lougheed Provincial Park. While I am a huge supporter of Parks Canada and the national parks system, it’s nice to visit a section of the Rockies that hasn’t been entirely exploited for tourism purposes. While it’s still regulated by the provincial parks service and the Kananaskis Conservation efforts, it feels a little more open and free.

It was a quiet, windless autumn morning when we took a short hike down to Spray Lakes Reservoir. We skipped rocks and just soaked in the remarkable sight of the mountains reflecting on the water. It was chilly, but it was worth it.

We took the back highway from Peter Lougheed Park into Canmore where we enjoyed some beers and food at a local brewery. I had to ask to pull the truck over when we were passing this small lake where again, the mirror-like surface was mesmerizing. My photos didn’t do it justice.

On the way into Canmore, we were again struck by a spectacular sight. The back highway brings you into Canmore over the ridge of a smaller mountain. We found ourselves looking down on the town through the clouds. It was remarkable.

During our camping excursion, we also made a stop at Troll Falls, near the Kananaskis Village. It was a short but lovely hike into the falls where we climbed the rocks a little and let the dog take a dip. These falls are relatively small, but I think they’re worth the visit anyway.
It was a low-key weekend overall, aside from our hike to Mist Mountain. It was refreshing and renewing to breathe in the crisp fall air and sit around the campfire. I can’t wait to go back again.
Let us know what you think!