10 Phrases You Need to Know Before You Visit Newfoundland and Labrador was one of our all-time most popular posts on twowildtides. Well, we know there are more confusing terms out there that come from aways might not be familiar with. Here’s a follow-up post with 10 MORE phrases you need to know before you visit Newfoundland and Labrador.
Know these simple phrases off by heart, and you won’t be stuck here saying “wha?” when you run into a diehard bayman down on George Street.
I could squat ya
Be sure to listen closely to the tone used with this phrase. If it’s joyous, then you’ve just received the utmost compliment (especially if it’s from someone’s nan) and it’ll probably be followed by a big hug. If it’s a tone of annoyance, well you might have just ticked someone off, but don’t worry, it won’t be followed up with any physical contact.
Such a sook / sooky
To be a sook is to be sensitive, whiny, or needy. While this can be an insult, it can also be a term of endearment, especially towards a child or a pet.
G’way by / g’won by
These shortened versions of ‘go away by’ or ‘go on by’ basically mean ‘are you serious?’ or ‘that’s unbelievable!’
Twack about
To twack about or ‘go for a twack’ means to go for a stroll, usually aimless, often refers to strolling through stores or markets.
You’re cracked off
“You’re being unreasonable” or “you’re crazy”
That’s squish
Means something is off-level or uneven
That’s best kind / best kind by
These phrases demonstrate contentment or excitement about something; or acceptance of something or someone. “That’s great!” “That’s good!” “They’re a nice person” are examples of what this phrase can mean.
Oh me nerves / my nerves are shot
Means you’re worried or anxious about something
By and by
Sometime, eventually
Come on we goes
“let’s go” or “let’s get going”
I hope you find this helpful, and if not, at least a little comical! Are you planning on visiting Newfoundland? Let us know! We love hearing from our readers.
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