We just had our first snowfall, which means winter is right around the corner. Soon will be the days of shovelling, blizzards, snow boots, and darkness at 4 o’clock. If you are at all like me, you will find yourself scrolling through summer photos and reminiscing on tropical vacations. Especially now, considering this will be my first winter in Northern Alberta (brrr). Here are my tips on how to kick the winter blues:
Eat Tropical. Ever notice how certain foods remind you of warmer weather? Yeah, me too! These bright, light snacks and meals provide the perfect pick-me-up. Citrus and other tropical fruits are packed with Vitamins C and D, which is exactly what your body lacks during the cold, dark months of winter.
Adapt Your Fitness Routine. I am not a gym person. I like to exercise and stay fit outdoors; hiking, biking, kayaking, and the list goes on. So as you can imagine, when the snow piles up these activities are not as enjoyable, plus they can become dangerous. When the temperature drops, these are my go-to ways to stay active without having to go to the gym:
- Hot Yoga (or at-home yoga practice)
- Snowshoeing
- Skiing
- Skating
- And a surefire way to get some exercise? Shovelling out your car after a storm!
Get Creative. Staying in bed all day watching Netflix sounds like a perfect snow day. But if you are restless like me and feel the urge to do something productive on a snow day, try a DIY! By getting your creativity flowing you will forget about the drab weather outside, find yourself in a good mood, and you will feel accomplished. Try our DIY Photo Garland or our DIY Photo Transfer Ornaments. Or Pinterest it up!
Get Out and Make the Most of It. Winter is winter and it is not going anywhere. Unless you live in Newfoundland, in which case today is winter, tomorrow it will probably be spring, and the next day will likely be winter again. So get bundled up, go outside, and enjoy it! Make a snowman, have a snowball fight, build a fort, go tobogganing, just basically be every winter cliché you can imagine – because it is so fun, I promise.

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