My great grandmother, Flossie, passed away in March. Her funeral was the last to be held in our small town before the coronavirus pandemic caused all events and gatherings to be cancelled. Flossie was a spunky, smart, witty woman. She was a true badass and she was never afraid to say what she was thinking. She was funny and charismatic into her final days.
I wanted to take a moment here to publicly acknowledge some important lessons she taught me, and many other people I’m sure, during her 89 years on this earth.
1) Don’t be afraid to speak your mind and be absolutely unapologetic for saying what you feel. Nan didn’t care who was in the room or who she was up against. She did not hesitate to speak up and voice her opinion.
2) Live your life on your own terms. Do what feels right for you, and not what you think will please others. Be unapologetic about that too.
3) Write more handwritten letters. Or thank-you cards. Or prayer journals. Or notebooks. Or address books. If you think it is important, write it down for yourself or for those who matter to you.
4) A happy life is not confined to one place, one town, or one home. Move freely. Nan really embraced this one. She was often teased for how many times she’d move and I think sometimes people thought she was unhappy because she moved around so much. I don’t think so. She moved around because it was what was right for her and her family at the time. Moving left her with many rich memories and stories.
5) Pretending to like people isn’t fulfilling. Surround yourself with only those you love and always remind them just how much you love them. And be honest with them during the times that you don’t.
Love you forever Nan

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