The Iceberg Alley Performance Tent is a music festival that spans 11 entertainment-filled nights. The 25,000 square foot tent is in St. John’s on the banks of Quidi Vidi Lake. Performers from various genres will take to the stage to perform such as Brett Michaels, Loverboy, Tim Hicks, and Metric to name a few. Additionally, hitting the stage again this year on September 14 is Alan Doyle with Shanneyganock and Celtic Connection. Last year, Linds & I had the opportunity to take in this amazing show from the VIP Jag Sky Bar. It was a DREAM.
How often does the same concert happen twice? Hardly ever. You have the chance to have the same incredible experience that we did last year. There are still tickets available for Alan Doyle, as well as other, brand new acts throughout the festival! What are you waiting for? Here’s what you have to look forward to:
Our passes granted us access to both the main area in front of the stage as well as the Jag Sky Bar VIP section. This was a treat for sure. Private bar, private bathrooms, free munchies from Exile, and no line-ups in sight. You get a birds-eye view of the stage and the pulsing crowd. We love the whole venue, but we would absolutely recommend treating yourself to some VIP treatment at the festival. (For more details about the general admission perks, check out this article about past years.)

Our east coast roots run deep and there’s nothing we love more than stomping our feet to some tunes that remind us of home. Shanneyganock kept the crowd buzzing and I think just about everyone was getting their groove on. There’s nothing quite like being in a jam-packed room of east coasters who are just so happy to be hearing live music. Not only was the live music great but the crowd knew many of the songs and no one hesitated to sing along. It was a party.

Alan Doyle. Some performers just have this magical energy that they bring on stage with them and Doyle is absolutely one of them. Right from the get-go, he had that sparkle in his eyes. It was such a privilege to witness his work. I was especially impressed with how respectful and humble he was throughout his set. His gratitude for performing on the Rock was thoroughly evident. Man, he knows how to put on a show.

I’m so grateful that we had the opportunity to experience this event, to dance the night away and sing at the top of our lungs. What’s more? We’re going again this year! We’ll be getting down to Brett Michaels, Loverboy, Kim Mitchell, and David Wilcox. Mark your calendars because it’s a hell of a good time. Cheers to that my friends! Don’t miss this festival. Get your tickets here!
Char & Linds

P.S. Linds wasn’t lying– there he is, seconds before he smiled right at her 😉
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