We all love adventure. That is a major part of the whole premise of this blog. We can take trips that are jam packed with adventure, exploration, and knowledge; but we also have responsibilities that prevent us from being able to take these trips 24/7. We have a few tricks up our sleeve for making regular, routine days feel a little more adventurous (without breaking the bank).
1. Take a different route. On your morning drive to school or work, take a route that you don’t take every morning. This is bound to make your commute a little more interesting.
2. Watch Netflix. I am not kidding! Some days, adventure is within reach, but we are too lazy to get off our couches and go outside. There is no shame here- we all deserve to take a chill day out of our busy lives to lay back and watch Netflix, so live vicariously through somebody else! My favourite Netflix adventure fix is “Departures” or “Chelsea Does”.
3. Take a walk. There is no need to travel hundreds of kilometers to discover some amazing scenery. Many communities offer stunning local walking or hiking trails that you may not even realize exist. Bonus points: don’t follow a trail, make your own!
4. Listen to the Open Road Podcast. On your next commute or long drive, have a listen to Calvin and Jeremy from the Open Road Podcast. They share funny and downright inspiring stories, interview incredible people, and seek to do the same thing I am trying to accomplish with this article- find adventure in everyday life.
5. Say “Yes”. Spend one day (or one week if you’re brave) not saying “no” to anything. Who knows where this challenge could take you! By saying “yes” to everything you automatically open up so many doors for yourself and create the opportunity to go way outside your comfort zone.
6. Google your city. Run a Google search on your town or city and see what your home has to offer that you may have never even heard of before. What are you waiting for? You’re already on the Internet. Go!
7. Try a new recipe. Pick a recipe you have never made, that has one ingredient that you have never tried. Go to the supermarket, get all the ingredients, and really have fun cooking it. Blast some music and snap some pictures for Instagram!
8. Wear something different. Take that top out of the back of your closet that still has the tags on it and rock it. Sport something completely different from your everyday style. Go to the mall and buy a piece from a store you have never been in. Break a fashion rule- mix gold and silver jewelry or wear white after Labor Day (who even came up with this anyway?)
9. Unplug. By switching off your cell or laptop you will get the opportunity to pay closer attention to what is happening around you. Lift your face out of your device during your daily bus commute or while waiting in the hall for your next class. You never know who you’ll strike up a conversation with or what stories you’ll hear.
How do you add adventure to your everyday life? We would love to try your tricks! Let us know in the comments or find us on social media @twowildtides.
Let us know what you think!